Stop hackers: 6 ways to protect your phone

Stop hackers: 6 ways to protect your phone

As smartphones become increasingly integral to our daily lives, it's important to make sure they are secure from potential threats.

Hackers are constantly finding new ways to access our personal information and compromise our devices, so it’s crucial to take steps to protect ourselves. In this blog, we’ll go over some simple but effective ways to keep your phone safe from hackers. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your personal information stays private and your device stays secure.

Start with these simple steps

There are a few simple things you can do to keep your phone safe from hackers.

1. Improve your password

First, make sure to use a strong and unique password for your phone and all of your accounts. Avoid using obvious passwords like “123456” or your birthdate. It’s also a good idea to enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.

2. Be careful of downloads

Second, be careful what you download and install on your phone. Only download apps from trusted sources like the App Store or Google Play, and be wary of any app that asks for excessive permissions or seems suspicious in any way.

3. Be wary of Public Wi-Fi

Third, be cautious when using public Wi-Fi networks. These networks are often unsecured and can allow hackers to easily access your device. If you must use a public Wi-Fi network, make sure to use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection (more info below).

4. Update your apps

Finally, keep your phone’s operating system and apps up to date with the latest security patches. These updates often include important security fixes, so it’s important to install them as soon as they are available.

By following these simple steps, you can help keep your phone and personal information safe from hackers.

Security risks of using open Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi networks can be dangerous for a number of reasons. When you connect your phone or laptop to a public Wi-Fi network, you are essentially opening yourself up to potential cyber threats.

One of the biggest risks is that hackers can easily set up fake public Wi-Fi networks in order to steal your personal information. These fake networks often have names that are similar to legitimate ones, so it can be difficult to tell the difference. Once you connect to one of these networks, the hacker can then see everything you do online and potentially access sensitive information like passwords and financial data.

In addition to the risk of having your personal information stolen, using public Wi-Fi can also put you at risk of having your device infected with malware. This can happen if you accidentally download a malicious file while connected to the network.

So, it’s important to be cautious when using public Wi-Fi networks. If you must use one, make sure to use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your connection and protect your data. And be sure to avoid visiting sensitive websites or entering personal information while connected to a public Wi-Fi network.

5. Use VPN on open Wi-Fi

Using a VPN on your phone can offer numerous benefits when you are connected to a public Wi-Fi network.

One of the main benefits is increased security. As mentioned earlier, public Wi-Fi networks are often unsecured and can be easily accessed by hackers. By using a VPN, you can encrypt your internet connection and protect your personal information from being intercepted by these hackers.

In addition to increased security, a VPN can also help to protect your privacy by hiding your internet activity from the network owner and other third parties. This can be especially useful if you are concerned about online tracking or want to access content that is restricted in your location.

Finally, a VPN can help to improve your internet speed and access to content by routing your traffic through a server in a different location. This can be useful if you are trying to access content that is blocked in your region or if your internet speed is slow due to network congestion.

Overall, using a VPN on your phone can offer numerous benefits and help to protect your security and privacy while you are online, especially when you are connected to a public Wi-Fi network.

6. Risks of using public USB charging stations

Charging your phone in a public outlet can be risky, as it exposes your device to potential dangers.

One of the main risks is that your phone could be infected with malware through the charging cable. Hackers can use a technique called “juice jacking” to insert malware into your phone through the charging port. This malware can then steal your personal information or track your activities.

In addition to the risk of malware infection, charging your phone in a public outlet also leaves it vulnerable to physical theft. It’s easy for someone to unplug your phone and walk off with it while it’s charging, especially if you are not paying attention.

How does juice jacking work?

Phone juice jacking is a technique used by hackers to insert malware into your device through the charging port. This can happen when you use a public charging station or plug your phone into a compromised charging cable.

Once the malware is installed on your phone, it can potentially steal your personal information or track your activities. This can be a serious breach of privacy and can lead to identity theft or other cyber crimes.

To protect yourself from juice jacking, it’s important to be cautious when charging your phone in a public place. Avoid using public charging stations or cables that you don’t know to be safe. If you must use a public outlet, consider using a portable charger or your own charging cable and adapter. This can help protect your device and your personal information.


In conclusion, keeping your phone safe from hackers is an important aspect of modern life. By following the tips outlined in this blog, you can help protect your device and your personal information from potential cyber threats.

Whether it’s using a strong and unique password, being careful what you download, or using a virtual private network (VPN) on public Wi-Fi, there are many simple steps you can take to keep your phone safe. By staying vigilant and taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your phone remains secure and your personal information stays private.

Editor’s Note

  • Almost all of the text in this article came from engineered prompts to ChatGPT.

  • The headings were found by manually searching long-tail keywords on Google using for additional SEO ideas.

  • All of the body content ChatGPT prompts began with “write like Hemingway and explain…

  • The blog images were created by prompting DALL·E 2 with the following: dramatic romanticism painting of a worried person sitting in a coffee shop looking at their phone.

Things to Consider

  • The Hemingway prompts gave very clean and simple outputs.

  • There were zero repetitions from different prompts, which has been a common feature of every article so far.

  • I made some progress with prompting DALL·E 2. However, it was not quite the romanticism-era artwork I had in mind.

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Disclaimer: The text written in this article, the information provided and the views expressed are solely based on ChatGPT’s responses. Some information may be incorrect or out of date. The text is provided in full, with minor editing for readability, to better understand the performance capabilities of the platform.